We’re very proud to announce our new Universal Match Rifle system, built around a special hand tuned action made to our specifications by Pierce Engineering. The Universal Match Rifle system is crafted to the highest standards and has a full line of attachments that make it easily configured for the NRA Highpower, Long Range Prone/Palma or Precision Rifle disciplines. The Universal Match Rifle is available as a complete rifle in the chambering of your choice with your choice of a Jewell single stage or Bix’n Andy two stage trigger, it’s also available as a “builders kit” where you can have your gunsmith fit the barrel and trigger of your choice. Please contact us with your questions and for cost and delivery information. (more information in the video below)
Bob Gill used his UMRS rifle to win the NRA Midrange National Championship dropping only 1 point with a score of 2199-159X! Congratulations Bob!
Allen Thomas used his UMRS to win the 2018 Berger Southwest Nationals sling grand aggregate! Well done!