The new Gen 3 T3 chassis is fully modular, and can be configured for any shooting discipline, it uses the same forend attachment as the very successful UMRS rifle system, your action can be epoxy bonded into the chassis or a recoil disc can be fitted between the barrel and action and bolted in, either way this system is designed to exploit the accuracy potential from the excellent Tikka action, custom Cerakote or Powercoat finishes available, custom built to your specifications!
Call or email us for details and pricing
Gen 3 Tikka lower options, (top to bottom)
AICS short action magazine well
Single shot prone
Gen 3 Tikka forend options, (left to right)
Angle slot hunter, minimal weight
Angle slot tactical/ FTR/ target, accepts all attachments as well as Ergo Handstop
Stagger slot target, accepts Ergo Handstop, ARCA rail or picatinny accessory rail at 6:00
Gen 3 Tikka fully adjustable match buttstock cheekpiece options, (left to right)
Radius cantilever, for the sling shooter, optimal comfort
Horizontally adjustable, for the sling shooter, optimal adjustability, helps get your eye behind the rear sight
Radius Ambidextrous, FTR, PRS, allows the lowest scope mounting height
Gen 3 Tikka AR adapter, allows use of multi position collapsible buttstocks